The Portable Desk

Professor: Bill Massie - 2021

This was a three-week course that worked to fabricate desks for the new College of Design at the University of Kentucky. In an effort to include student input in the process of designing a new building for the college these desks were created specifically to suit the needs of studio classes. This workshopping led to a portable desktop that can be carried with the student and modified through CNC milling and additions. The iteration proposed included an inset flush cutting mat, magnetic pockets for storage, and additional shelve, all constructed using similar materials and in the College of Design shop. These desks were fabricated during a Winter Interim using the College of design CNC mill and a metal laser cutting machine.

This project was completed in collaboration with Pooya Mohaghegh, Bill Massie, and accompanying students to help build prototypes of the desk.


Master's Thesis Proposal


Making a Living