Making a Home

Professor: Brent Sturlaugson - 2022 

Addressing the housing need of the growing industry in downtown Hazard, Kentucky, these prefabricated units can provide one- or two-bedroom solutions. These housing units are populated along the river just outside of Hazard creating easy access to downtown and contemplative views of the natural landscape. Being located near a flood plain, these homes are raised off the site by concrete pillars for stability. The CLT decking is applied in a gradation over the pillars to create a cohesive wooden frame that can allow flood water to run through the underside of the units. Through the use of prefabricated CLT paneling and easy installation of double pane glass and steel, these modular units create a community system that encourages exploration of the landscape, use of regenerative materials, and access to the growing downtown economy. 


Site Location: Downtown Hazard, KY

Done in collaboration with Interior Design Graduate Student, Peiwen Qi, this project was completed in the context of a larger initiative called Studio Appalachia. This program works with community partners in Eastern Kentucky to try to realize projects that entered into a larger context of community needs.


Making a Living


Generative Design